How to Do Reverse Grip Front Raise: Muscle Worked & Alternatives

Reverse grip front raise can be your ideal exercise if you are trying to make your shoulder stronger, bulkier, and round-shaped. Whether you are a beginner or professional, you can include this exercise in your shoulder workout routine to intensely train your shoulder surrounding muscle.

In this article, we will discuss reverse grip front raise, muscle work, how to perform reverse front raise, benefits, and some tips about reverse grip front raise. Let’s start with basic anatomy. Read it consciously.

Reverse grip front raise muscles worked

In reverse grip front raise you mainly put a hit on your shoulder girdle and chest muscle. There are two types of muscle working. Primary muscle, which plays a major role.

The secondary muscle present which is the supportive muscle assists the primary muscle in performing primary fiction.

Primary Muscle

  • Anterior deltoid muscle
  • Posterior deltoid muscle
  • Lateral deltoid muscle
  • Trapezius

Secondary Muscle

  • Upper pectoral muscle
  • Biceps brachii
  • Triceps brachii
  • Forearm muscles
reverse grip front raise

The deltoid muscle is originated from the lateral third of the clavicle, the acromion process, and the spine of the scapula. Its attaches to the tuberosity of the deltoid and lateral side of the humerus.

The trapezius muscle is originated from the occipital, spinous processes of T01-T12 and the ligamentous nuchae. It’s inserted on the lateral third of the clavicle, the scapular spine of the scapula, and the acromion process. Enjoying this article, keep reading.

The upper pectoral muscles are the uppermost situated muscle which is mainly worked as an arm flexor. Biceps and triceps muscles are anterior and posterior portions of the muscle of the arm and the forearm muscle is worked as a hand gripper.

How to do reverse grip front raise

Reverse grip front raise is an ideal exercise to train your anterior deltoid muscles and make your shoulder stronger and bulkier. As in reverse grip, front raise your arm will be pronated, so you put more load on your anterior deltoid muscles and push to grow faster.

During this exercise do it slowly, at the end range hold for 2 seconds and feel the contraction.

Perform this exercise as follows

  1. Choose a pair of lightweight dumbbells with which you can comfortably raise.
  2. Stand with your back straight and upright, and hold the dumbbells with your palm facing upward, at thigh level.
  3. Slowly raise the dumbbells up, until they reach your shoulder girdle level.
  4. Carefully bring it back to starting position, at the level of your thigh.
  5. Repeat it slowly to complete the desired number of repetitions.


Keep in mind during reverse grip front raise

  • Start with lightweight dumbbells and progressively overload them.
  • Your palm will be facing upward when you do it.
  • Keep your core engaged, throughout this exercise.
  • The shoulder will be slightly retracted during this exercise.
  • Try to keep straight your elbow and wrist joint.
  • Do some shoulder mobility exercises, before you perform this exercise.

To train your shoulder muscles perfectly, you can do 3 to 4 sets with 8 to 10 repetitions. After each set, you have to take a rest of 45 minutes. Raise the bar up with exhale and then bring it back down and inhale.

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Reverse grip front raise alternatives

Along with reverse front raise with a dumbbell, many other options are present that also help to train your anterior deltoid muscles. Variation of exercise is very important to train your muscle from each and every aspect and you don’t get bored during exercise. Enjoying this part, keep reading.

Here we are discussing some exercise varieties which are also put weight on your anterior shoulder.

1. Barbell reverse grip front raise

This exercise is similar exercise of dumbbell front raise, here you are using a barbell instead of a dumbbell. In this variation, your upper chest muscle ( upper pectoral ) muscle also gets hit along with anterior deltoid muscles. Do it slowly to get maximum hypertrophy and fast growth.

Perform this exercise as follows

  1. Start with a medium-weight plate and progressively increase.
  2. Stand with your foot apart, engage your core, and the back will be straight and upright.
  3. Hold the barbell at the level of your thigh with a reverse grip, which means both palms are facing upward.
  4. Slowly raise the bar, until it reaches your shoulder level, and hold for 2 seconds.
  5. Carefully bring it back down to starting position, and feel a gentle stretch in the deltoid.
  6. Repeat it for your desired number of repetitions.

Keep in mind during barbell reverse grip front raise

  1. Do some shoulder mobility exercises before you perform this exercise.
  2. The feet will be slightly wide.
  3. Keep will be engaged throughout this exercise.
  4. Your shoulder will be slightly retracted during this exercise.
  5. In the end range, holds for 2 seconds and repeat it slowly to maximize output.

To create enough amount of hypertrophy you can do 3 to 4 sets of 12 to 15 repetitions. Keep in mind, during exercise your whole body will be stable, only your arm, and shoulder are moved.

2. Cable Front Raise

In this variation, you need a cable pull machine and a bar. It is an isolation movement for your anterior deltoid, to grow faster and make a round-shaped shoulder. In this exercise, you raise up the cable, at the end range hold it for 2 seconds, and repeat it for the desired repetition. Don’t get bored, keep reading.

Perform this exercise as follows

  1. Use a cable pulley machine, attach a straight bar to a low cable and adjust the machine with the appropriate weight.
  2. Hold the bar with an underhand grip so that the cable is between your legs and the cable pulley machine is to your back.
  3. Engage your core muscles, straighten your back and bend your elbow slightly and bring the bar up until it reaches your shoulder level, hold for 2 seconds at the end range
  4. Slowly bring it back down to your original position and repeat it for the desired number of repetitions.

Keep in mind during cable front raise

  1. Do some mobility exercises before you perform this exercise.
  2. Slightly bend your elbow joint, during the performance.
  3. In the end, the range holds for at least 2 seconds, and repeat it again.
  4. Hold the straight bar at shoulder width and hold it tightly.
  5. Start with a medium-weight plate and progressively increase resistance.

For better progression, you can do 4 to 5 sets with 10 to 12 repetitions each. Do this exercise slowly, carefully and at eng range hold for at least 2 seconds, and feel the contraction, it promotes your muscle hypertrophy as well as muscle growth.

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Programing anterior deltoid exercise into your routine

To build a round shape 3D shoulder you have to train your all shoulder muscle similarly. Along with the anterior head, you have to train the lateral and posterior head also to get a perfectly shaped shoulder.

Here we will try to add 4 exercises with sets, and reps that are most beneficial to train your anterior deltoid head. You can include them in your shoulder workout program.

Exercise Sets and Reps Rest Time
Underhand Barbell Front Raise 3 to 4 sets and 8 to 10 reps 45 secs
Cable Front Raise 4 to 5 sets and 10 to 12 reps 30 secs
Rear Delt Fly Exercise 3 sets and 15 reps 45 secs
Arnold Press 3 to 4 sets and 10 to 12 reps 45 secs


In this article, we discussed the above exercise and tips based on deep research and year of experience. We put out 100 percent effort to provide you with the best information about this topic.

Here you learn about how to perform reverse grip front raise, some tips about this exercise, and two alternative exercises which are work, the same as reverse grip front raise.

That’s it! Next time when someone wonders, “How to do Reverse Grip Front Raise?” Take charge and start explaining. Have question? Don’t hesitate to let me know in the comment section below. I will try my best to answer all of them. Thank You!

“Stay Happy, Stay Safe”

Frequently Asked Questions:

How do reverse grip front raises work?

Reverse grip front raise mainly targets on anterior deltoid muscle and secondarily upper pectoral muscle. When your arm will pronated, then your anterior head is isolated and get more load. The anterior deltoid is also responsible for lateral abduction but it mainly works as a shoulder flexion.

Which grip is best for front raises?

For front raise exercise neutral grip is the best but if you want to hit your shoulder muscle from each and every side then you can use a hammer grip and reverse grip.

Is underhand front raise good?

Underhand or reverse front raise is most beneficial to train your anterior deltoid muscle intensely. When you are using underhand your arm will be pronated, in this position deltoid anterior head is get more hit.

What muscles work in a front raise?

In front raise the prime mover is the anterior deltoid muscle, secondarily the lateral deltoid and upper pectoral muscle work. In front raised shoulder flexion occurred, which means your arm is going away from your body.

What is the benefit of reverse grip?

In reverse grip, the main benefit is isolation movements. For shoulder front raise, when you are using a reverse grip, you isolate the anterior deltoid muscle from others.

How I can get round shaped shoulder?

To get a round-shaped and bulky shoulder you have to work on the shoulder surrounding all muscles. Have to train all of them intensely and carefully. You have to train your anterior head, lateral head, and posterior head of the deltoid muscle.

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